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The stunning Basalt Canyon in Nahal Tavor Nature Reserve

This hike in the Basalt Canyon is one of the most beautiful hikes in the Galilee. It is a circular hike that is slightly difficult in parts and somewhat strenuous at its end because of the incline, but is highly recommended for individuals and families.

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Time: About 3 to 3½ hours.

Distance: Just over 8 Km.

Type of hike: Circular.

Difficulty: Most of this hike is easy. However, there are some slightly difficult sections with climbing over rocks. In one area it is necessary to climb up rungs on a cliff, although this is neither difficult nor dangerous. There are four river crossings on boulders, but these also are not difficult. Towards the end of the hike is a fairly steep and long climb up a rocky path. A pair of walking sticks can be helpful, especially for the stream crossings

Directions: Enter “Kibbutz Gazit” into Waze. This will bring you to the entrance to the kibbutz. Green signs to נחל תבור within the kibbutz will take you past the cowsheds. Turn left here. Follow the sign לשמורת נחל תבור to exit the far side of the kibbutz. You will come shortly to parking areas on either side of the road.

​Public transport: Enter “Kibbutz Gazit” into Moovit. A reasonably frequent bus from Afula stops at the kibbutz. " 

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  • Leaving the parking lot there is a fork immediately ahead of you in the direction of the stream, both branches of which are red-marked. Take the right fork. After a while you will see a picnic area and observation point on your right, Neve Elad. It is worth going through the grey gate for the view. Return to the red-marked trail. Ignore the green trail on your left and continue down the hill until you come to the stream. It is a distance of about 2½ Km from the parking area and should take about ¾-hour. There is a parking area here, picnic benches, a map, and a sign explaining the vegetation and wildlife that can be seen along the stream.​


  • Turn left along the blue-marked trail. This part of the hike is extremely beautiful, the path being framed on either side by basalt cliffs. There are four stream crossings. It is worth looking in front of and behind the colored markings to choose the best place to cross.


  • You will come eventually to two small waterfalls and a pool. The going now becomes a bit more difficult and there is a section in which you will need to climb up on rungs in the cliff.


  • Shortly after the fourth stream crossing, the blue trail goes up from the canyon. The path is rocky and only minimally difficult, but is quite long and steep. So, take it gradually, especially in hot weather. You will see Mount Tabor on your right.


  • At the top of the path is the observation area Lashon HaMelech (תצפית לשון המלך) with views of the stream below. Two stone picnic benches are conveniently placed.


  • Just before the observation area is a signpost. Turn to the right (facing the observation area) on the blue-marked trail signposted to Gazit.


  • The blue-marked trail turns into a black-marked trail, and at a Farewell sign it becomes red-marked. Follow this to your car.

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View of Mount Tabor from the ascent path from the canyon.

Map of the trail along Nahal Tavor


To follow your location on your smart phone, click on Click on the black box with a cross at the top left of the map and it should change color to green. It is not necessary to download the free app unless you wish to.

Nearby places of interest:

You can drive up to the top of the mountain and hike around its summit (see the webpage Mount Tabor - views from the summit and its biblical associations). Consider also the Marzipan Museum at Kfar Tavor, the Silk and Honey Farm and the Archeological Museum at Ein Dor (all are on the same webpage and are a short distance from here).

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