Discover the Lower Galilee
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Then you are sure to love my two new books "In and Around Jerusalem for Everyone - The Best Walks, Hikes and Outdoor Pools" and "The Struggle for Utopia - A History of Jewish, Christian and Islamic Messianism". Both books are available on Amazon and in Jerusalem bookstores. Click on each of the titles for information, reviews and purchase information.

Lower Galilee

Yodfat Monkey Forest
Honey, marzipan and witches
Biblical experiences for children and adults at Kfar Kedem
Wine tasting in the Golan and Galilee
A delightful hike from Ras Ali to Ein Yivka along Nahal Tzipori
The Stunning Basalt Canyon in Nahal Tavor Nature Reserve
Karnei Hittin National Park – battle site and views
Views and challenges at Arbel National Park and Nature Reserve
Family hike in Nahal Tsalmon

CLICK on the sites below for more information

Links to the HOME PAGE and best family activities, hikes and historic sites in the GOLAN, EASTERN GALILEE, UPPER GALILEE, LOWER GALILEE, JORDAN VALLEY & LAKE KINNERET, the SHEFELAH, TEL AVIV-YAFFO and surroundings, NORTH of TEL AVIV, and SOUTH of TEL AVIV.
Do you find my website interesting and helpful?
Then you are sure to love my two new books "In and Around Jerusalem for Everyone - The Best Walks, Hikes and Outdoor Pools" and "The Struggle for Utopia - A History of Jewish, Christian and Islamic Messianism". Both books are available on Amazon and in Jerusalem bookstores. Click on each of the titles for information, reviews and purchase information.